First off, I think Michael (who did the leopard package) was working to get a universal version out for Tiger but did not manage to have it working. I don't know much more. he would.
On 2008-March-29 , at 16:55 , f.duncan.m.haldane@...1154... wrote:
(trying to build a Tiger osx package)
I followed the instructions in
and also installed gtk-clearlooks
I used ./configure --disable-static --enable-shared --prefix=/path/to/build/ product --enable-osxap --enable-inkboard
it should be --enable-osxapp, with _two_ "p" at the end. maybe that's the issue. But basically, you really should use osx-build.sh if you didn't. It will be easier for you. The info on the wiki just details the process so that you know what's happening behind the scene.
I produced an Inkscape.app but it does not run.
Loading it manually from an xterm gives
macbook:~/inkscape-0.46/packaging/macosx/Inkscape.app/Contents/MacOS duncan$ ./I nkscape
2008-03-29 10:52:34.418 defaults[9262] The domain/default pair of (kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, AppleAquaColorVariant) does not exist 2008-03-29 10:52:34.435 defaults[9263] The domain/default pair of (kCFPreferencesAnyApplication, AppleHighlightColor) d oes not exist
This was fixed in the svn version and I thought it was before 0.46 tarballs were produced. It was apparently not the case so the fix should be backported. The fix was committed at r 17355. Is there anyway for this to make it back in the tarball or should it have to wait for 0.46.1, if it ever happens? Anyway, this should not be a blocker, it would just screw the appearance a bit. To get those message away, just go into os x appaarance settings, change the color to grey and graphite. close the prefs. now go back to them, revert to the state were you were before (or not, if you like graphite ;)) and they're gone.
Then it hangs.
Its not clear how to diagnose what the problem is.
Anything in the system.log (start Console.app in utilities)?
Also, the Wiki is written assuming one is using svn. I am using the official 0.46 release tarball, and have no idea whether what I would get by using svn is that or some slightly different version.
It should be exactly the same. 0.46 is just a snapshot of a particular svn version (more or less).
I would like to produce an EXACT copy of whatever the "official" release for LEOPARD is (exactly the same options, library dependen cies, etc) except built on TIGER.
Is it possible to get the precise build instructions that were used for the Leopard Inskcape.app so I can run them on tiger. (I dont want to make decisions about whether to use e.g. --enable-inkboard )?
Just use the defaults in osx-build.sh i.e. CONFFLAGS="--disable-static --enable-shared --enable-osxapp"
One issue I saw when building the .app was
cp: /opt/local/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/*.so: No such file or directory
That should not be a problem.
I'd try to produce a Tiger universal Inkscape-0.46 dmg for general distribution if the OS X packager no longer has a Tiger/Intel installation to work with, but I need an authoritative recipe for doing it using the official release tarball. I assume using MacPorts is the the way to get the various gtk libraries, so I installed it and the recommended packages, but want to make sure I also produce a dependency-free Inkscape.app that doesnt relay on any external libraries except those that come with Tiger and Tiger/X11 (I will remove Macports as so on as the compilation is successful, as I use Fink).
Compiling a UB is more tricky. You should really hook up with Michael on this. Basically you must build all libraries in macports as universal (there's a +universal variant of all ports). But to do that you should disable the dependency of gtk on gtk-doc (sudo port edit gtk2 and remove the line about gtk-doc). You should also get a recent version of cairo so that pdf export works nicely: port edit cairo change the version number to 1.5.12 point the address to http://cairographics.org/snapshots/ change the hash checksum to reflect the one of the 1.5.12 version (see http://cairographics.org/snapshots/cairo-1.3.12.tar.gz.sha1) then reinstall cairo in macports
Sorry of this is still not all documented but these changes are recent. And the os x team is reduced. I'll improve the status of the wiki and all in a month or so. Good luck and grab Michael when he's there. _he_ is finished with his PhD ;)
JiHO --- http://jo.irisson.free.fr/