On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 12:12 AM, Tavmjong Bah wrote:
I've checked into trunk a Symbols dialog. A description of the dialog can be found on a Wiki page at:
There are still some issues that need to be resolved. They are listed in Wiki page.
What about supporting VSS files in the future? (Visio shape libraries)
Since end of July there is support for VSS files in libvisio. It's not yet publicly released, but I have a suspicion that getting Fridrich to release a tarball isn't all that difficult :)
Also, I'm not sure if the preview scale option is required at all, and not sure if the preview size should be accessible at all times. What I've seen for GIMP's resource dialogs (brushes, gradients etc.) is that people pick one preview size and use it all the time, and often don;t even touch this preference at all. But should that want to do it, there is a dialog's menu for that.
Alexandre Prokoudine http://libregraphicsworld.org