On 11/20/05, Steven P. Ulrick <lists-fedora@...1052...> wrote:
On Sun, 20 Nov 2005 04:58:14 +0000 Ben Fowler <ben.the.mole@...400...> wrote:
I am not sure that I know exactly what you are doing!
Hello, Ben Well, let's see. What I am trying to do is find differences between the release tarballs and the CVS tree.
I meant: By using the diff tool to list deleted, new and modified files and directories
One of the first differences that I found was relating to intltool. autogen.sh and configure picked up a version that was not installed on my system,
That would be configure. Whatever test configure ran, probably found an executable somewhere on your path, such as /usr/local that you weren't expecting.
For ./configure to find uninstalled software, would to a first approximation at least, require magic.
so I upgraded to the FC4 version. Now inkscape compiles. Can I explain it? No. Now I am not saying that Inkscape requires intltool, but I have had Fedora Core specific problems before, so the blame could likely lie in the direction of Fedora, not Inkscape. But I do have an idea for three experiements that I am going to try: 1. I will uninstall intltool altogether and grab a fresh copy of Inkscape from CVS. I will see if/how Inkscape from CVS will compile without intltool installed.
The result was that autogen.sh bailed almost immediately ...
Just for fun, I ran ./configure in inkscape-0.42+0.43pre3, still without intltool installed. It STILL picks up version 0.33, which it seems to pick up on my system even when I don't have a version of it installed!
See previous. See next.
- Now I will install the intltool that comes with FC3 and attempt to
recompile. Ok, I just did "yum install intltool" and ran ./autogen.sh. This time autogen.sh did not bail, and it picked up the version that is installed when you install Fedora Core, which is the same one that was installed when I just ran "yum install intltool" I will have to wait awhile to see what happens. While I am waiting, I will be real annoyed at Fedora Core 3 if Inkscape from CVS won't compile this time, since the only difference on my system now is the version of intltool. Also, even if Inkscape is not supposed to depend on it, autogen.sh Does bail on my system when it is not installed.
The result was that "make" bailed ...
- Since steps one and two seem to show, respectively, that Inkscape
from CVS will hardly even start to compile on my system if intltool is not installed, and that it will start, but not finish, if the version of intltool that ships with FC3 is installed, it follows that the next thing to try is grabbing a fresh copy of Inkscape from CVS, upgrade to intltool 0.33 from FC4 (which is the same version that an Inkscape release tarball picks up even if I have just did "rpm -e --nodeps intltool" as root. I risked --nodeps just for the sake of this experiment. The dependencies that came up from attempting to remove intltool from my FC3 system would have taken a good portion of GNOME with it.) and then re-compile with the FC4 version of intltool installed.
I am not an rpm maven, but I would advise against using --nodeps . You will find that a good portion of your entire system will have undefined behaviour!
The results of step three are that Inkscape from CVS compiled & installed perfectly, just like it did the first time I updated my version of intltool.
My relatively unlearned conclusion to all of this is that maybe intltool is not Supposed to be required just to build and install Inkscape from CVS, but it's absence on MY system forces autogen.sh to bail mere seconds after it starts. And, upgrading via RPM to a version similar to the version that Inkscape release tarballs detect (which is NOT in my RPM data base, and is not installed with Fedora Core 3) at least seems to cause the end result of being able to successfully compile Inkscape from CVS on Fedora Core 3. This could very well be a Fedora Core 3 issue, I have not a clue.
If time permits, could you confirm that you are now a happy camper?
You might want to start afresh with a completely pristine copy of the latest Fedora Core. If you are enthusiastic about these researchs, you might want to try Ubuntu instead, which is very well regarded.