I'm using external application, so I'm asking you, because SVG file format is the major format in Inkscape, and I couldn't find any info about my question in w3c website.Is this using a python extension to inkscape, or in an external application?
Hi All :-) ,
I want to calculate dimensions of the following object:
<svg version="1.0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="430pt" height="648pt" viewBox="0 0 430 648"آ preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
<g transform="translate(0,648) scale(0.040000,-0.040000)" fill="#000000" stroke="none">
<path d="M6837 16034 c-4 -4 -4 -11 -1 -16 6 -10 24 -1 24 13 0 10 -14 12 -23 3z"/>
How I can do that?
I tried the following, but I'm sure it's wrong.
Left = XM*Scale_X = 6837*0.040000 = 273.48
- Calc Left point:
Bottom = YM*Scale_Y = 16034*ABS(-0.040000) = 641.36
- Calc Bottom point:
- Converting c point to C:
-4 -4 -4 -11 -1 -16 6 -10 24 -1 24 13 0 10 -14 12 -23 3
273.32 641.2 273.32 640.92 273.44 640.72 273.72 640.96 274.44 641.32 274.44 641.88 273.48 641.76 272.92 641.84 272.56 641.48
Width = X_MAX-X_MIN = 274.44-272.56 = 1.88
- Calc Width as following:
Height = Y_MAX-Y_MIN = 641.88-640.72 = 1.16
- Calc Height as following:
-- Best Regards تحياتي Muhammad Bashir Al-Noimi محمد بشير النعيمي My Blog مدونتي http://mbnoimi.net/