BTW - replying under what you are replying to, and trimming out the
other parts, is generally considered to be good practice on 'nix
lists - I had not realised how much was underneath your reply until I
attemepted to reply to you. There is a reason top posting is
usually considered to be evil, even if google promotes it ;-)
I apologize for that. This is the first time I've ever participated on a mailing list. Even though it's been over 2 years, no one has ever referred me to some kind of 'best practice for mailing lists' info.
To me, it seems like proper documentation not to delete someone else's comments. I have noticed that a lot of people use what they call "inline" style of reply, but I often find it confusing to follow. I always thought it was more of a shortcut, than a desired technique.
As I said, I'm no computer whiz. Just offering an opposing view, because it seemed like no one else was going to.
(I have seen some developers make a very reasonable argument for the current behavior, so I'm surprised they haven't posted what I've read in the past. Unfortunately, I don't remember exactly what they said.)
Anyway, point me to some kind of mailing list best practice, and I will do my best to follow it. :-)
All best,
From: "Ken Moffat" <zarniwhoop@...3141...>
Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2016 9:10 PM
To: "Brynn" <brynn@...3133...>
Cc: "imagen imperio" <imagen.imperio@...400...>; "C R" <cajhne@...400...>; "inkscape-devel" <>
Subject: Re: [Inkscape-devel] Fwd: features
On Sun, Jun 19, 2016 at 08:18:14PM -0600, Brynn wrote:
Hi Everyone,
Just my simple thoughts :-)
I actually like the current behavior. It annoys me in GIMP, when I close a
file, then I have to make another step to close the program.
Is it a big deal to close inkscape (or any other program) with a
aingle click ? I admit I don't use inkscape a lot - mostly only
testing that nothing has obviously broken with newer versions of
other packages - but I use the gimp quite a lot, and if I edit one
image there is a strong likelihood that I will edit another.
And the same for working on spreadsheets and text documents in
libreoffice, so I assume that people who use inkscape heavily will
edit several documents in a session, perhaps even several at one
time (tweak one, make similar changes in another, etc).
Oh - I should add that the netbook where I'm replying to you has
only 1GB RAM (it came with windows 7 but was never able to run that)
and there I usually have things in swap, with a slow laptop disk, so
yes, in that context *everything* can be slow.
You have a problem with the load on the system ? Even on my 4GB
However, if keeping Inkscape open when there are no files or documents open,
would lessen the load on the system, when multiple documents are open, I
would be really in favor of that!
desktop machine I do not usually have a problem with multiple
programs on multiple desktops - except when I'm rebuilding firefox
and it gets to the point where it links : at that point, even a quiet
system with 4GB RAM can go into swap.
BTW - replying under what you are replying to, and trimming out the
other parts, is generally considered to be good practice on 'nix
lists - I had not realised how much was underneath your reply until I
attemepted to reply to you. There is a reason top posting is
usually considered to be evil, even if google promotes it ;-)
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