On Jul 5, 2008, at 8:39 AM, heathenx wrote:
I set up a virgin Ubuntu Hardy VM a couple of days ago so that I could use it as an Inkscape build environment for any of the 0.46+devel revisions. I'm only interested in compiling one of the recent SVN snapshots every once in a while just to check out some new features. I have only been able to compile revision 19107.
I cannot get a more recent revision to compile due to lib2geom errors during the "make" command. I went out and found lib2geom and compiled it with cmake, make, sudo make install. No errors so I think it's good.
First of all, Inkscape should be using the lib2geom that is imported into the Inkscape SVN, so you should not need to get the external version.
Secondly, we had a short period with a broken build. The other day a new version was imported, but some of the make hookup was incorrect. I fixed things as of revision 19140, so it should be working from there on.