On Tue, 16 May 2006 18:21:04 +0100, Thomas Leonard wrote:
Sending with my newsreader failed because it was pointing at the wrong smtp server, but I got an error and resent it immediately via gmail (to your @navi.cx address). So, I don't know why you didn't get it.
Ah, that'd be why, I don't use that address anymore, it's changed (for various reasons) to mike@...869...
By the way, now that autopackage has reached 1.0, are there any plans to stabilise the file-format?
Sorry, no.
This is a shame, because the payload of an autopackage would often make an ideal Zero Install package too!
However the -x command line argument is guaranteed to be present in future versions, so you can simply run the file with that option to make it dump its contents to a new directory. You need the support code available to do that however.
thanks -mike