Can you lend a hand in writing a section or two for the release notes?
1. Release highlights
The write ups on the new features are spot on and look beautiful. We need to select a few of them deserving special mention - say 3-6 items - to make mention of in the 'Release Highlights' section. These should be like major changes, broadly useful enhancements that lots of people have been wanting, or specialized but powerful new capabilities. Stuff that can be described concisely but that will resonate with readers.
2. Notable Bug Fixes
Could someone produce a dump or query of the bugs closed during this release period? Include a link to that listing here in this section.
Then we need someone to look through those and pick out the (small?) proportion worth mentioning for the release - this will be pretty subjective but that's okay. We might want to categorize the list as platform-independent issues, Windows issues, OSX issues, and Linux issues.
3. Known Issues
A link to current high/critical bug reports would be worth including here.
From that list we should pick out a subset worth mentioning in the
release notes. This should be severe issues that will affect a broad number of users, or issues we're likely to get a lot of duplicate bug reports about. This should include our three release-critical bugs (we can move them to notables once they're resolved).
Where possible, it would be useful to provide a sentence or two describing recommended workarounds, maybe with a link to the appropriate bug comment, forum topic, or mailing list email.
4. Anything missed?
In general, review the release notes to see if there's any features that haven't gotten documented yet. Any new dependencies that should be mentioned? More translations?
Thanks, Bryce