On Sun, Jan 13, 2008 at 05:03:15PM +0100, the Adib wrote:
Thanks for the updates, I've added the notes to December's news item about this.
- Win32 Uninstaller improvement, by Adib (ETA Jan 3). Fix current installer to not bug user for each changed file.
done. Bugs and release notes are up to date. Current installer can be downloaded from sourforge inkscape-snapshots section http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=93438&package_id=9...
- PDF, PS export improvements, by Adib (ETA Jan 3). Implement blur as bitmap, and display a dialog with options for text-to-path, blur-as-bitmap, alpha-as-bitmap. UPDATE: Option dialog for PDF/PS exports using cairo are implemented (PDF1.4 and PS3 only). Text-to-path works, for blur as bitmap need help with converting SPItem from vector to image, alpha as bitmap being done implicitly by Cairo
partially done. done: dialogs, text as path works in progress (with help of simarilius) blur as bitmap issues: 1) there where problems reported related to cairo exporter, 2) export of text does not work in PS back-end, 3) sync options with command line parameters
Could you outline the plan of how this will be achieved in the next week? How is Simarilius' time availability? If he's busy, is there someone else with time that could help?
Also, if this work did not get done, does this result in a regression compared with 0.45.1? (I'm guessing not, but figured it should be asked.) If we're clear in listing it as a "known issue", how significant of a hinderance will this be for users? Are there ways they could achieve the effect manually or with an extension, or workaround the lack some other way?
Thanks, Bryce