Howdy...just heard about Inkscape this AM. I am not a developer, would be a casual user at best, but would like to take a gander. User, repeat USER, of Fedora Core 3. Not a coder, programmer (or even artist for that matter!) However I'm having problems compiling.

When I ran configure it told me
configure: error: libgc (the Boehm Conservative Collector) 6.4+, is needed to compile Inkscape --

Fair enough. I got it (and thanks for including the URL) and it compiled fine without me changing or doing anything--just accepted its defaults and whiz, in it went. OK, back to Inkscape and configure croaks at the same place. Same error message.

What do I need to do to have Inkscape know this is in, or how do I need to compile, install, whatever to communicate that?


Jim Clark