On 4/13/06, Alan Horkan <horkana@...44...> wrote:
Also I would like to humbly suggest a set like sodipodi.xml or classic.xml which would for future reference freeze the keybindings Inkscape has now and has long had and many users seem to be quite happy with.
What Inkscape has _now_ is very very far from Sodipodi :) And it's always being developed and expanded, changing with every version. Those who want keys corresponding to Inkscape 0.XX can just download that version of inkscape.xml from SVN or sourceforge archive.
Thanks for all the work, now I'd better get started on a keyset in the style of Macromedia Freehand or Adobe Illustrator (I had a list lying around somewhere, the tricky part will be matching corresponding features).
That would be much appreciated. I remembered about that list of yours but could not find it now. You can start the AI and/or FH profiles and do what you can do, then submit them so I and others will complete and polish them.
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org