On 7/15/05, Bob Jamison <rjamison@...357...> wrote:
Hi, all, ...
I have been trying for the last day or so to find the reason that event processing, and thus gtk_main_loop() keeps running when all views are gone, and one or other of the dialogs managed by DialogManager have been displayed.
Three things I know: ...
- The DialogManager's destructor code seems to never be called, so
explicitly deleting the managed dialogs would be a moot point. [ snip ] I can only guess that the persistence of Gtkmm objects is different from C Gtk objects, and that maybe we cannot just use the same idea that when all visible frames are gone, the application will just "go away." Maybe some explicit frame-counting and deletion would be necessary. Maybe transientizing needs to be done differently.
Bug [ 1217361 ] "freeze on quitting with transform dialog" could well be manifestation of the same problem, and it might be better to fix this first.