Hi to all. I have a problem if I convert a ellipse to path. The path value have a "d" value. It render ok, but if you move a node and come back to original position the "d" property of the path is diferent. It give me some problems accessing to the Geom::CubicBezier of the original path segment, it give me a false cubic segment.
Here are the "d" values after and before node-> key up -> key down:
Just converted to path (straight segments with Geom::CubicBezier): m 148.5715,1206.648 a 417.1429,374.2857 0 0 1 -417.1429,374.286 417.1429,374.2857 0 0 1 -417.1429,-374.286 417.1429,374.2857 0 0 1 417.1429,-374.2858 417.1429,374.2857 0 0 1 417.1429,374.2858 z
Node up-down m 148.5715,1206.648 c 1e-4,99.267 -43.9487,194.468 -122.17821,264.66 -78.22948,70.192 -184.33149,109.626 -294.96469,109.626 -110.6332,0 -216.7352,-39.434 -294.9647,-109.626 -78.2295,-70.192 -122.1783,-165.393 -122.1782,-264.66 0,-99.267 43.9488,-194.468 122.1783,-264.66 78.2295,-70.1922 184.3314,-109.6258 294.9646,-109.6258 110.6332,0 216.73514,39.4336 294.96461,109.6258 78.22949,70.192 122.17829,165.393 122.17829,264.66 z
Thanks in advance, Jabier.