On 21/10/09 03:02, Chris Mohler wrote:
Any tips for the non-power user on accessing the .dotfiles? I gave him a couple of commands in the terminal, but if there's a Finder shortcut or something that would probably help. I get the feeling that he's not familiar with the terminal at all, so I'm trying to go easy on him ;)
dotfiles are hard, dot-folders are easier ;-)
to access the Inkscape preferences:
1) open a finder window 2) use menu bar 'Go > Go to Folder...' 3) enter the path to the dot-directory: '~/.config/inkscape', 4) click 'Go' -> you get a list with user preferences and all user folders like extensions, keys, palettes and templates. 5) optional: if he needs to go there often, change the view to 'as Columns' and pull the dot-folder into the left sidebar under places. 6) Tip: you can call 'Go to Folder...' from every save/open dialog using it's keyboard shortcut 'Shift+Cmd+G'
Which dotfiles does he need to access?
There are text editors that have options to show hidden files in the open/save dialog (MacVim does, though that's not one I'd recommend ;-)
Smultron has 'Open Hidden...' in the 'File' menu, a small text editor - though I just noticed that it's no longer developed: http://smultron.sourceforge.net/ (you can still download the last version 3.5.1 from sf.net).
I don't use others myself, but 'TextWrangler' (free, but not FOSS) could have similar options http://www.barebones.com/products/TextWrangler/. 'BBEdit' and 'TextMate' are the bigger ones among Mac text editors for programmers.