On 8/20/07, Thomas Worthington <tww@...1737...> wrote:
This is not Inkscape's fault but the fault of products that save files in "<product>-eps" format. The practical upshot for me is that ".eps" is now a meaningless filetype
EPS is meaningless, but not because of that, but simply because PS/EPS is an obsolete format which is not being developed. Use PDF instead. Current SVN version imports PDF (and modern versions of AI based on PDF) very well.
As this problem has grown, I've started to question the value of having "Save as inkscape SVG" produce ".svg" suffixed files. Is it not a better idea, design-wise, to indicate that a file is not "pure" SVG with a different suffix such as .isvg or something similar?
No. Inkscape SVG is valid SVG, period.
I have already sent Inkscape-SVG files to other designers by mistake
Why mistake? Did they have any problems with those files? If so it's a bug either in their software or in Inkscape, and it must be simply fixed.