What I'd like to work out is:
- Standartized color palette for icons.
- Standartized style of icons.
Because not all of Scribus's developers like HIG color palette (it's really lifeless for some purposes), extending it would be nice.
Not all Gnome users do either :) I actually think the softwares should have a shared iconset, but this has been brought up before, and to me it seems that the freedesktop.org specifications for iconthemes should be implemented by Gnome and KDE. Then you should have a shared icon repository.
Like I said, in Scribus 1.3 it is possible to map a hotkey to any menu item and not only, so there is no "technological" kind of issue in unifying hotkeys schemes.
Cool! So while it's not officially out yet: When will it be? So far 1.2x hasn't done the job for me, but I'm confident 1.3 is a lot better. I very much hope it will, because I'm carrying around a windoze on my computer for the sole purpose of running InDesign... kind of annoying.
Take care!