18 May
18 May
5:44 p.m.
On 5/18/06, Mathieu Dimanche <mdimanche@...8...> wrote:
I got a crash when doing the following :
- open inkscape
- select the text tool, click on canvas and type some text
- do it once again in another part of the document
- switch to select mode and select both texts
- ctrl-C ctrl-V the selection
- hit Ctrl-Z
Crash with : ** ERROR **: file ../../inkscape/src/document-undo.cpp: line 128 (void sp_docume nt_maybe_done(SPDocument*, const gchar*)): assertion failed: (doc->priv->sensiti ve) aborting...
Emergency save activated!
I can't confirm, since Inkscape crashes even earlier for me:
1) open inkscape 2) select text tool 3) click on canvas 4) Crash with: "Inkscape encountered an internal error and will close now."
This is a recent problem, since a version complied on 2006-05-16 does not crash under either situation.