On Sat, 2009-02-07 at 06:16 -0200, Felipe Sanches wrote:
I need guidance on verbs coding because I have no idea about how to deal with them. These are there only because I needed to call sp_document_done and needed to get the undo stack working. But it was "guess-coding" so please, somebody review it or, alternatively, explain to me what is the right procedure to handling verbs, what is their meaning, what they are useful for, what is the reason for their existance, etc...
Basically verbs are action factories :)
You can think of a verb as something that you can 'do' in the GUI. The Actions connect documents to verbs. So basically once the verb function is called you know which document it applies do and it allows you to do some action on the document.
When a new window gets created there is a set of actions that are created in order to tie the document to the verbs. The verbs do the work, the actions are document specific.