On Sun, 2006-09-03 at 16:45 -0300, bulia byak wrote:
In case someone missed it, we now have a very nice extension by Jos Hirth that creates a "Lorem ipsum" random text of given length. Nice! I changed its name to "Lorem ipsum", moved it to the Render submenu and changed it so that the first sentence is always "Lorem ipsum" (the rest are randomly shuffled). Enjoy. If you have an idea of another helpful extension, don't hesitate to ask on the list!
Yep, I committed this patch. There are several cool ones like this in our patch tracker that we need to apply.
Thanks for giving it that Bulia love. I started wondering where that love went ;)
Jos, great job! What else are you working on? It would be great to have a good brainstorm about other extensions people want. Here are five off the top of my head:
1.) flickr image search/import (and variable control over the license so you could get a legal image you can trace and use inside inkscape) I think on a basic level, this will just return the top 1-5 (user-selectable) images that are found and put them on the canvas for selection
2.) More design auto-generation like lorem ipsum but for letterhead (with fill-in the blanks), business cards, cd cases, etc
3.) hook up more importers/exporters to inkscape (very low hanging fruit)
4.) go through and convert ideas from other illustration apps. extensions
5.) connect up some low hanging fruit web sites/services like pull in dictionary definitions, wikipedia text, etc.
I challenge other people on the list to stir up 5 more extension ideas of your own and post them, then we can take them and add to the wiki (but hopefully we will inspire development of them by doing this)...