Hi!  I just spoke with bryce on IRC and he told me to go ahead and email the list. 

I have an issue in inkscape that only happens when I choose an object, copy, cut, and then paste that object back into the same file.  Whenever I perform these tasks in a row, the object that I have just pasted disappears in any preview or use mode, such as in nautilus, gimp, gnome-panel, gnome icon themes, etc. but whenever I look at the file in inkscape, the object is still there.

I can edit the object, distort it, reshape it, etc. and as long as I do not cut-copy-paste, the object remains visible.  And nothing I do after the copy-cut-paste makes the object visible again.  I have reviewed the xml files and I cannot see a difference that would make the object invisible.

I have included two sample files: the original gnome-fs-directory.svg file, and then the modified gnome-fs-directory-issue.svg file that has a major object that has been copied-cut-pasted, that no longer appears visible.

I can repeat this issue on any file with the same results.  I've scoured google looking for any hints, and the only thing I could find was regarding Nautilus 2.1.5, and I'm on 2.10.0.

Is there anything I can do to repair the object to make it visible again?