For the helluvit I wrote a script to convert plain text into SVG <text> elements, using the Perl SVG module:
# This is a script to render a plain text file into SVG, line by line.
use strict; use SVG; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = '1.00';
my $svg = new SVG;
$svg->comment('Generated by txt2svg');
my $i=0; while (<>) { chomp($_); s/\t/ /g; # Convert tabs into spaces, otherwise we get errors about invalid char
my $text = $svg->text(id => "text_line_$i", x => 10, y => 12*(1+$i), 'xml:space' => 'preserve', style => { 'font' => 'Courier', 'font-family' => 'Courier 10 pitch', 'font-size' => 10, } ) ->cdata($_); $i++; }
print $svg->xmlify();