Hi Jabier,

Adding icons won't be an issue. It does appear though that for some of these, that the visibility icons would be the proper choice. The helper nodes and handles are an example of those (you don't interact with them, it's just toggling their visibility). I think that would also help users distinguish that it's a visual thing and doesn't actually modify the path.


On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 12:38 AM, Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz <jabier.arraiza@...2893...> wrote:
Hi to all.

Because GTK declare obsolete "yes" and "no" icons, and "accept" and
"cancel" icons are handled by his label -so you can not change his label
to a custom text i think-, I propose the creation of two icons in the
icon files of inkscape.

I want particulary to use in the new LPE parameter "Toggle Button", now
is used in experimental branch -Simplify LPE-. For this LPE I'm using
"system-run" and "process-stop" GTK default icons, but i think is better
a toogled button for example like bullets here[1].


Any problem to add it? I could do it but maybe we can ask for on
inkscape-user list.

Regards, Jabier.

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