Inkscape devs,
I was looking though the 1.0 Beta Release Notes, and came across screenshots showing the new Gtk+3 interface. I wanted to drop a note in the talk (discussion) section related to the need to control icon size as the current Gtk+3 icons take up roughly 200% of the equivalent Gtk+2 icons.
Specifically looking at:
This has been a huge problem for all applications that have attempted the Gtk+2 to Gtk+3 switch. As a result of the toolkit change, many of the icon bars that neatly fit in the space available on a laptop, now spill over into elipseized button menus and the actual drawing screen real-estate is reduced dramatically. Gimp has managed a reasonable balance where many other major apps and editors have failed.
I would like to follow and contribute to the discussion on the upcoming 1.0 beta release on the wiki and would therefore request a wiki account (I'm a real breathing human and not a spam bot or spammer)