On Sun, Aug 17, 2014 at 11:27:47AM +0200, the Adib wrote:
Hello Bryce,
I compiled, packed and uploaded win32 binaries.
I noticed you had them up quickly, thanks! Couple hundred downloads already.
The package failes to link because of FILEVERSION 0,91pre2,0,0 and PRODUCTVERSION 0,91pre2,0,0 in the inkscape.rc and inkview.rc aswell as inkscape-x64.rc files.
Those identifiers must only contain numerical values
Yeah I wondered what to do about that when updating those files. Will it take decimal numbers?
Or can whatever consumes these rc files be modified to accept *preN? Is it btool that you're running to make these builds, or some other tool?
removing the ..pre2.. text will solve the problem. For the final release this won be an issue. same applies to the current trunk.
Ideally I'd like it if all the packaging tools would take the preN syntax and behave appropriately, but if that's just not feasible here then I'll update the packaging docs accordingly. I see that at least the installer package name is including pre2, which is the most important thing.