On Sat, 2004-07-10 at 04:45, Artemio wrote:
I noticed several changes in the recent snapshot (20040706) that make my work much slower.
Yeah, I tore appart the export dialog, and so it wasn't in very good shape -- I think it is better now. But, I just checked some of this stuff in.
BTW: the new feature that caused you all of this pain is really cool (suggested by Bulia). Now, filenames for export are saved, but they are also saved for selections. So in the case you discuss below you could have drawing[123].png automatically change for you when you change the selection. This should really help people who do lots of exporting to bitmaps.
- The exported image name defaults to drawing.svg.png instead of drawing.png.
What is this for? Generally, you'll want shorted and simpler names, just drawing.png. Currently I have to delete the .svg portion each time.
Yes, this was there to remind me to fix it. Now, it doesn't just remove .svg, it removes the file extension of the output extension that you used to save the file. So, if you are working with AI files, then you can still use export to bitmaps with auto filename generation.
- The behaviour of the export dialogue is inconvenient. One thing it should
be able to do IMHO is to detect whether a selection is active and automatically set the export mode to selection.
It should now.
- Also, compared to a snapshot of 20040628, Inkscape forgot how to update the
export x/y/size on the fly. For example, I have three drawings on a single canvas and I want them exported to drawing[123].png. Previously, I could fire up the export dialogue, and hit export three times while selecting different drawings and changing 1 to 2 and then 2 to 3 in the target file name. In the current snapshot, if I change a selection while the export dialogue is up, the selection range is not updated. So if I want to do what I explained, I have to select a drawing, then hit "selection", then adjust the file name and hit export. This adds one exrta action which makes you work longer. I think the export x/y range should update on the fly.
I'm not sure if this is what you're saying, but right now when you move selections they don't seem to be getting updated. I think this is a change deeper inside Inkscape that I haven't found yet. But definitely if you change what is selected right now, you'll get an updated dialog.
Also, just FYI, I've added a selection at the top of the dialog "Custom". This basically translates into "Don't be smart, do what I say". So, if you don't want the selections to change the parameters or anything else "Custom" should be safe for your settings. (also, custom means that the filenames and dpis don't get saved in your document.)