Adib Taraben wrote:
Carl Worth schrieb:
Yes, that sounds like the state of cairo 1.4.10. It's gotten a *lot* better in the 1.5.x stuff currently in development.
what about to statically link to a current cairo library? Is that even possible?
Sure, but then we are stuck with the current state of Cairo at link time forever. It is possible to use LD_LIBRARY_PATH to cause Inkscape to run with a newer version of Cairo installed elsewhere on your system without disrupting installed software. I've used this for comparing output between different versions of Cairo without recompiling Inkscape. It would also be possible to use relaytool (from the Autopackage toolset) to enable and disable certain features in Inkscape at runtime based upon the Cairo version detected on the platform. But that would end up very confusing for users, I believe.
I would almost prefer to encourage users of various distributions to make and maintain unofficial cairo packages (or even a Cairo autopackage). So that users who need better PDF export can help themselves to better quality as Cairo continually matures.
Aaron Spike