Still no joy (XP SP3 32 bit).
1. removed build directory 2. removed build.dep 3. mingwenv (points to devlibs41) 4. btool (wait long time) it completes without any errors. 5. build\inkscape boom 6. cd build gdb (gdb) file inkscape.exe inkscape.dbg Reading symbols from C:\progs\inkscape6\build/inkscape.exe...(no debugging symbols found)...done. Reading symbols from C:\progs\inkscape6\build/inkscape.dbg...done. (gdb) run Starting program: C:\progs\inkscape6\build/inkscape.exe [New thread 3456.0x668] [New thread 3456.0xe74] [New thread 3456.0x2cc]
Program exited with code 03. (gdb) bt No stack. (gdb) quit
There was a "boom" after the 3rd "New thread" where it popped up a dialog:
"Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for further information".
Close that and
"Inkscape has encountered an internal error and will close now."
Then the Program exited and below messages appeared in the console.
Not a lot to go on here. No part of the GUI appeared before inkscape crashed.
inkscape r11712 gcc 4.6.2 devlibs 41 AMD dual core CPU Windows XP SP3 32 bit
There were a few minor patches on top of that, none of which should have taken affect that early. Just in case, reverted them, rebuilt, and it still did the same thing.
David Mathog mathog@...1176... Manager, Sequence Analysis Facility, Biology Division, Caltech