One update to color linking.
I changed things to only link an object to color changes if that color has been marked as "linkable". In the magic string in a palette entry name, adding 'L' will turn this on. Also, this is automatically enabled for colors that are linked to other colors, or that have colors linked to them.
On Mar 28, 2006, at 2:42 AM, Jon A. Cruz wrote:
On Mar 28, 2006, at 12:16 AM, Jon A. Cruz wrote:
I just checked in a change to start some experimentation with linked colors.
There are various technical things this will let me play with internally, but the immediate visible effect is that palettes can be edited and can have linked colors.
To enable things, a .gpl palette file needs to have some 'magic' strings in its names.
Next rough, kludgy update has been committed.
Now if objects have a "HOTFill" or "HOTStroke" attribute that matches the color's index and palette name, those objects will get their stroke and fill updated when the color changes.
Also... drag-n-drop from the color swatches will set the "HOT" value.
Again, the mechanism here is a temporary kludge. However, this should allow some playing with the feature.