On Mon, 24 Apr 2006, jiho wrote:
I updated the packaging for OS X so that when people open the disc image in which Inkscape is distributed they see this: http://jo.irisson.free.fr/dropbox/inkscape_distrib.png and just have to drag and drop Inkscape icon to Applications in order to install it. Yes this is mostly eye candy but well... this is on the mac ;-)
I'll be unavailable for the next two months so I won't be able to produce Inkscape dev builds for the testing phase of the release, nor will I be able to package 0.44. I guess people will be available to do it. If this new packaging is ok to everybody and worth bothering, I'll modify the wiki to explain how to do it and somebody (Michael? Ted?) could take over the builds.
I've been the one who produced all the official release and release candidate OS X packages so far, with jihi doing all the intermitent nightly build between. I'm happy to again do the OS X packaging for the 0.44 release. This makes sense since I was the one who has been dealing with OS X packaging bugs on the tracker and releasing extra packaging revisions for 0.43, so I'm very familiar with it all.
Jiho, please modify the wiki (or mail me) with the instructions for adding the disk image background. I'll work out how to script it.
Cheers, Michael