On Mon, 20 Nov 2006, Joshua A. Andler wrote:
I was going to try to see if there was anything already planned, then write up something to fill in the gaps. Of course, if no one else is going to be submitting, then my choices are wide open. :-)
Just out of curiosity, do you have any tentative topics?
I know that it is a little late, but I've submitted an abstract for a talk on Inkscape Extensions. I doubt that was an area of competition :)
Ted, just to be proactive... do you have the contact info for that person from Wacom still? If so, I'd be happy to get the ball rolling on that (I know it's a few months out, but I figure it wouldn't hurt).
Yeah, I'll hunt that down and see what I can get. Also, I have the two PCs we used last year, but I'm not sure that 600 MHz is a good blurring demo :) I'll look around, but other ideas on hardware are welcome.