25 Feb
25 Feb
2:53 p.m.
Serve that all up via a single RSS feed and I think you have a winner!
-Rob A>
I would personally like it to fetch:
- posts to inkscape-users http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.graphics.inkscape.user or nabble or...
- new entires in the Answers and Blueprint sections of launchpad https://answers.launchpad.net/inkscape/ https://blueprints.launchpad.net/inkscape/
- messages in inkscape forum http://www.inkscapeforum.com/
- links to/rss feeds of inkscape tutorials and screencasting posts http://screencasters.heathenx.org http://inkscapetutorials.wordpress.com/
- new entries in a putative extensions/palettes/gradient section of
the website
- new items from the dedicated section of Deviant Art http://inkscape.deviantart.com
- new items in Inkscape Gallery http://www.inkscapegallery.net/en/splash
And possible include:
- inkscape devel
- bug reports
- ...
for more developer oriented minds. But I those can already be consolidated using an email client so it may not be primarily useful.
I may start a Blueprint when I get a chance. If someone feels like he/ she wants to start it first, please do, I'll just add my thoughts afterwards.