Here is the status on the remaining three 'Must-Fix' bugs for the release:
1107922 all drawing tools crash [mental, bulia, pjrm]
I believe mental has been working on this today, but don't know the status beyond that. Mental, could you update us?
1107305 Cannot start (WIN) [nemies, bryce, joncruz]
This one is a UTF-8 issue; Inkscape is trying to determine the user's profile_path based on their username, which in this user's case includes a u with an umlaut. mkdir fails when passed a u with a umlaut, which causes this bug. Jon is working on producing a function that will clean the non-UTF8-isms.
1050361 svgz opening troubles (WIN) [ishmal, simarilus, scislac]
I hear that this requires some packaging changes for the Windows build. The fix appears to be known, it's just a matter of a packager with some time to implement.