Ugh, so they're actually working *against* devs now... Have the GTK+ devs ever tried to create software that has more then three buttons?
If GTK fights us like this there's obviously only bad choices...
One thought though: If we plan to continue to use as many icons as we currently do I'd not rule out option 2 just yet. It's obviously the cleanest and visually most appealing choice! The only downside I see is that it wastes a lot of space and would look quite strange in menus where there are no checkboxes / icons. But if there would be a possibility to remove the space reserved for checkboxes / icons if there are no checkboxes / icons in a given menu I'd say this would be the perfect solution! Then we maintain a clear look in menus with icons but don't waste space in menus without them
Regards, Eduard
Am 07.07.2017 um 17:27 schrieb Alex Valavanis:
Re Point 3... unfortunately, this is imposed on us by changes in the Gtk+ API. Basically, the left column is now reserved solely for checkboxes/radio buttons and cannot be accessed via the API. Icons in the left column are deprecated in Gtk+ 3 and have been removed entirely in Gtk+ 4.
We came up with a list of options at the Hackfest: https://imagebin.ca/v/3Re6nhBUI1LZ
Unfortunately, Option 5 is not possible, as the API does not allow access to the left column. We decided that Option 3 was the most acceptable solution, although care should be taken to group indented menu items between separators so as to look more aesthetically pleasing.
Best wishes,
On 6 July 2017 at 21:28, Eduard Braun <eduard.braun2@...173...> wrote:
Hi all,
first of all I'd like to thank everybody for their contributions during the hackfest!
As with all new code I noticed some regressions. As you probably know best on what parts of the code you worked yourselves I'll just list everything I noticed here, so you know about it and can attempt to fix it. (If I need to file a bug for any of those please let me know, but I hope most of those issues can be fixed easily):
The Inkscape Window is not restored to the correct position anymore (probably related to https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/commit/fa8a2ee7e2539b145a87ac9af0d9748e...). On a multi-monitor system with two monitors oriented like [1][2] with [2] being the primary monitor the Inkscape window is restored somewhere on [1] if it was closed on [2], so probably the combined screen area is not accounted for when calculating positions. Some icons are broken or missing, see https://inkscape.org/de/gallery/item/11147/broken_icons.zip (there might be others, but those are the ones I noticed). During the hackfest menu icons were re-added. However on Windows I was only able to find them in a single location (the path menu). Aren't there supposed to be more icons? Also they look a bit weird (see https://media.inkscape.org/media/resources/file/menu_icons.png): Instead of using the space to the left they are indented like the rest of the text shifting menu labels unnecessarily to the right resulting in a very uneven look.
If I notice anything else I'll report it here.
If I can provide additional information or help with debugging please let me know.
Regards, Eduard