Project Status Tuesday, Feb 15, 2005
Today at work after our all-hands meeting, one of the marketing guys named Carl grabbed me. He'd just upgraded to SuSE 9.2 but knew that we'd just released 0.41, and SuSE only had 0.39. We downloaded and installed the Autopackage version. I gave him a quick tour of the new features. When we got to the color trace function he slapped me on the shoulder, "My god, that's _exactly_ what I've needed!!" He loaded up one of the OSDL member logos and vectorized it with the color trace tool. We get these logos in every format known to mankind, and scaling them can be a real challenge sometimes.
This week I've been showing off all sorts of things to people... The new inkscape.deviantart.com. I showed daj's "Rockin' in the Free World" to a professional musician. ScislaC's 'Gaze' astounds _everyone_ who sees it; this is without a doubt the most advanced piece of art ever done with Inkscape/Sodipodi/Gill (we have *got* to encourage Scislac to teach us all the tricks for how he was able to *do* that!) I also of course have to brag about the KDE 3.4 SVG Wallpaper contest, and that of the top 4, half are known to have been done with Inkscape (including the winner).
The thing I point out to people at work is that despite how great Linux is technically, there are many, many people who "judge a book by its cover" and consider only how the thing looks. Like buying a car based on its paint job and leather upholstry instead of its engine. But graphical tools like Inkscape are enabling artists to give Linux that beauty, to make it visually as well as technically attractive.
In the stats below, the most obvious thing is the sudden jump in linecount. No surprise there - this is all the new code such as gtkmm that finally got greenlighted to go into the codebase. Hopefully over the next few months we'll see the linecount reduced as this new code replaces the gobs of repetitive old code currently in there.
The mailing list numbers show that we've gained a number of new members. (Welcome aboard!) Of course, anyone on Jabber or IRC recently will have already noticed the nice jump in activity, both with usage questions and with development work. Things seem to be going quite well!
Statistics Jan 1 Jan 15 Feb 1 Feb 15 ========== ===== ====== ===== ====== Lifetime Rank on SourceForge: 598 570 569 569 (95.8%) (96.0%) (96.0%) (96.04%) Max Week's Rank on SourceForge: 45 59 * * (99.8%) (99.6%) * * Total SF Page Views 2,213,324 2,283,160 2,296,458 2,296,458 Total SF Downloads 110,182 114,695 115,645 115,645 Total Freshmeat URL Hits 14,291 14,634 15,108 16,448 Total Freshmeat Subscriptions 149 151 156 169 Lines of Code in src/: 321,883 323,251 323,324 333,139 Code lines 227,114 227,965 227,872 234,651 Comment line 56,048 56,308 56,438 58,239 Blank 45,398 45,664 45,624 46,859 Lines of Docs in doc/: 17,901 17,901 17,918 26,848 Lines of content in website: 9,234 9,328 9,486 9,776 Size of the Inkscape wiki: 21,030 20,931 23,576 24,925 Bugs open/total: 135/829 145/858 148/917 155/972 Features open/total: 340/514 353/530 352/556 370/579 Patches open/total: 5/145 6/148 7/154 5/167 CVS Commits (as per inkscape-cvs) 9,450 9,625 9,975 10,312 Inkscape-devel membership: 132 131 143 151 Inkscape-announce membership: 147 155 166 169 Inkscape-user membership: 172 177 181 193 Num Translations: 33 33 33 33 Ave Translation Ratio: 43.7 42.0 44.7 47.8
* - Statistics unavailable