Thank you aurium, I really appreciate your suggestion :-)
On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 12:46 AM, Aurélio A. Heckert <aurium@...400...>wrote:
Hi Mat,
I really love your work. (thinking that is only a prof of concept) I think is very important to use the UNIX philosophy and let other software to do what it do better, and we don't need to create another XMPP client. We only must to do the things talk together.
The possibility to chat (and other things) using the Pidign in the same processes is obvious and also cool. :-)
- How dificult will be to start the shared drawing from Inkscape?
The Pidgin plugin can read the command line arguments (like --inkboard-pid=XYZ) and make things happen on the start with less interaction?
Do you means that to trigger the shared drawing from inkscape instead pidgin?
It's possible to implement D-Bus serverice in the plugin for pidgin, to make it a bi-directional connector. Then, we will need another dialog for inkscape to select which exiting conversion of pidgin to transfer the inkscape changesets.
I don't know how hard it exactly is, but I am willing to try it. I think the first step I can probe is to try to implement a simple D-Bus service in the plugin for pidgin, and let it can list existing conversations and to select it. And then let the inkscape could invorke this functionality and to use it as transporter.
How is your opinion about this?
- The Pidgin plugin may abstract the protocol and enable
shared drawing with the popular MSN or the Classic ICQ?
I think it is quite possible. We just need to find how to filter the transaction packets of inkboard and parsing. ( at least, we can encode/decode via base64 and transfered in text ) This is also one of the the great pros. to using the pidgin as transporter.
- It must support a "chat room" to allow drawing with more
then 2 persons.
It seems still a period of time to arrive at this goal, and need more helps. I just think about to probe it using IRC first. Do you have any idea or referenced resource about this?
Best wishes, Aurium
-- Aurélio A. Heckert http://colivre.coop.br/Aurium GNU/Linux http://colivre.coop.br/Aurium%0AGNU/Linux User #312507 http://counter.li.org - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ilustração Vetorial Livre: http://InkscapeBrasil.org Coop. de Tecnologias Livres: http://Colivre.coop.br - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Eu temo pela minha espécie quando penso que Deus é justo." Thomas Jefferson
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