Being documenting the Transform Dialog, I just thought about few Illustrator and QuarkXpress interesting relative to tranformation : 1. Object duplication while resizing, moving or rotationg by using Alt-key. This key is already use but we may be able to use another (Ctrl+Alt). This is not necessary but can avoid few steps. Or when using a transform Dialog, the Ctrl+D shortcut allows to repeat the last one several times (very useful). 2. In the same maneer, QuarkXpress allows in its Duplicate & Move dialog to make copy of the selected object. Copy may take the Move parameters. In Inkscape this could be a field for numbers of copies+Copy Button placed in the Transform dialog. This is very great to get easily very regular-spaced objects, whatever they are. 4. I don't know why there is no "Constrain" checkbox in the Scale tab, because this options is available via keyboard when scaling with the mouse. 3. I don't really understand what does the "Relative" Checkbox. I did some tests but the result is the same in any cases.
I don't know if it's planned, and if it's difficult, but most part for it seem to alrady exists.
PS : News on User Manual (temporary on http://www.le-radar.com): File/Edition available in english (readers needed) Fichier/Edition/Vue/Objet disponible en français Thanks to Thiago working on pt_BR translation.