On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 03:57, ~suv <suv-sf@...58...> wrote:
B) If he is comfortable using commandline tools - MacPorts is a port manager that lets you install python and related modules into a separate tree independent from the osx installation. Inkscape's launcher script has $PATH for a default MacPorts installation included and uses the MacPorts python binary if installed instead of the OS X Framework version. I am not sure if you need to comment out the $PYTHONPATH in the launcher script or if the (updated) MacPorts python modules are seen first by the MacPorts python binary anyway (Michael or JiHO certainly know more about the details).
In bin/inkscape we *prepend* the internal path to our python modules to the PYTHONPATH, so those will be found and used first and user-installed ones will be ignored. In consequence, you have to edit/comment this line if you want to use your modules.... I think ;)
JiHO --- http://maururu.net