El mié, 11-03-2015 a las 06:47 +0300, Alexandre Prokoudine escribió:
7 марта 2015 г. 8:56 пользователь "Gez" <listas@...3059...> написал:
GIMP devs understood that and implemented save/export as separate functions. Not everyone liked this change, but after some time
seem to have settled and people got used to it.
Not quite so.
There are people who praised the change.
There are people who hated it, then got used and loved it.
There are people who keep hating it.
And there are people who are rather indifferent and couldn't care less.
Sure. I didn't mean that now anyone loves it. It's just like you said, but after a while the heat about the change sort of went down. People who praised the change are still happy. People who hated it, then got used to it and started to see the benefits (my case) are happy too.
People who keep hating it probably can be separated in different groups too: - Some of them got used to it, still don't like it but use GIMP anyway (so probably it's not accurate to say they "hate it", they just would prefer it to be the old way). - Some of them who never use XCF probably changed the keystrokes to map export and export-as to CTRL+S and CTRL+SHIFT+S and sort of got used to it, although overwriting is not immediately available. - Some of them used Akkana's plugin. - Some of them stopped using GIMP because of that.
To be honest, I haven't heard many people saying they stopped using GIMP because of that change. Some of the people who switched to krita, for instance, changed for other, more compelling reasons.
I'm not generalizing, but most of the people saying that they can't work with GIMP after that change are people who don't use GIMP regularly anyway and they are not the target user defined in gui.gimp.org
Should Inkscape introduce the hardcoded (non-configurable) save/export separation, you can realistically expect the aforementioned variety of opinions. There will also be raving maniacs and stampeding crowds.
It all boils down to defining an audience or not. Choosing one and making (probably hard) decisions to allow good practices won't be as popular as plaguing the UI with choices to allow every possible workflow out there. You can't make the high end professionals and total beginners happy with the same UI (or even the same program). Everyone who tried that failed, no matter what trendy mobile apps makers want us to belive :-)
Also, don't get me started on all sorts of amusing conspiracy theories I've heard since 2012 :)
Sounds like a good subject for an fun OT-thread :-)