Hello all!
Once again thank you so much for your great efforts and unbelievable results.
I have several suggestions to make Inkscape UI even more usable.
-= 1 =-
Currently, most (if not all) the tool options, fill/stroke and similar dialogues appear as top-level windows. If Inkscape's main window is maximised, this makes coming back to a certain dialogue to slow (one has to use Alt-tab or go to taskbar).
Possible solution: make all dialogue windows child windows so they never go away if one works on the canvas etc. This would drastically speed up the work with the app. Also, possibly remember open child dialogue windows and their positions - this way users would be able to create their very own In
-= 2 =-
In export dialogue, it would be nice to be able to export a PNG of the same size the canvas is, not just the size of the whole drawing. Drawing can be small, but people often need to export 300/600 dpi A4 page.
-= 3 =-
I think that most of "file", "edit" and "dialogs" menus should also be available as tollbar icons (like it is in Sodipodi). Of course, users should probably be able to configure this so those who prefer
I'll tell you why I'm asking about this. Working with your left hand on the keys and right on the mouse is faster and better. But very often there are times when one puts his back on the armchair, holds a cup of warm tea with his left hand and wants to have some nice rest with drawing in his favorite Inkscape :-) This makes this person walk in menus too much. So if he'd be abke to add the file/edit/diaogue toolbars he'd be so much happier :-)
These are just what I feel Inkspace is lacking, although nothing here is critical. Thank you very much again for Inkscape!
Sincerely, Artemio.