Ok.  I'm on .40 in Ubuntu.
When I look at the -issue file, or if I use it as an actual icon, rect337
is missing, completely from all views within gnome.  When I open inkscape,
rect337 appears just fine.  The result of using the icon in gnome/nautilus
et al is that I do not see that one object at all in the icon.  So if I go
to correct the icon in inkscape, the object is already there and visible.

I can change gradients, I can do anything and everything inside of inkscape without a single issue, *except* copy-cut-paste.  The instant I use those three commands to an object that's already in the file, that object disappears in gnome/nautilus/gimp/gtk/etc.

On 6/19/05, bulia byak < buliabyak@...400...> wrote:
On 6/20/05, linux peach < linuxpeach@...400...> wrote:
>  I have included two sample files: the original gnome-fs-directory.svg file,
> and then the modified gnome-fs-directory-issue.svg file that has a major
> object that has been copied-cut-pasted, that no longer appears visible.

Both files contain 7 objects. Of these 7, one is a group of 0 objects
and is therefore invisible and unselectable (except by Ctrl+A) - in
both files. The only difference is that in -issue, two of the paths
are distorted by node-editing and have different z-order. There's no
other difference between the files.

Both files display the same in Batik/Adobe as in Inkscape.

So, can you explain what exactly is missing, and why you are sure it's
still there? And which version of Inkscape?

bulia byak
Inkscape. Draw Freely.