On 8/4/05, bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...> wrote:
Consider Inkscape 0.42. If we didn't have 50K downloads in the first few days, most problems fixed in 0.42.1 would remain undiscovered for months, and 0.42.1 most likely would not happen at all.
As an example, 0.41 had a number of VERY serious bugs (e.g. command line export was entirely broken). However due to the small userbase these were discovered quite some time after the release, and we never bothered to make a 0.41.1 (though we really should have done).
So at this point of time, I'm MUCH more interested in seeing more of the devs work on the recent bugs in our tracker. This is critical for 0.42.1. May I ask that EACH developer go through the since-0.42 bugs and comment on as many of them as possible? Please? We can resume discussing the -testing list after 0.42.1 is out :)