Open Clip Art Library Release 0.09 Announcement
Release 0.09 of the Open Clip Art Library is now available for download on the site as an individual package:
This new package is 20MB and contains 3104 unique user-submitted files, an increase from previous releases. The Open Clip Art Library is also browsable at www.openclipart.org where one might find specific clip art by searching through categories such as animals, education, transportation, or geography.
Thank you to everyone who sent encouraging e-mails while the Open Clip Art Library's hosting project, freedesktop.org, underwent necessary maintenance due to a server break-in. freedesktop.org now has a much stronger server management system in place and our services are now completely back on-line from the incident. This intermittent downtime caused our developers to consider mirroring strategies. If you have any server space available and would like to host a mirror, please e-mail our mailing list. In the end, these events bolster an open source project and make it much stronger.
To start the new year right, we decided to restart our montly release cycle, and begin to focus our attention to the project roadmap (http://openclipart.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Roadmap). For the upcoming 0.10 release, we encourage submission of Valentine's Day themed artwork, to help users with their love life. Behind the scenes, we will be integrating Bryce Harrington's Document Management System (DMS) to mediate the submissions we receive. DMS is a real breakthrough in document management, which is akin to source code management (CVS, SVN, etc), but for everyday practical group projects, versioning, and collaboration using various file formats.
Our core developers have also been discussing a few different sub-projects such as adding support to our services for Font submissions (http://openclipart.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Open_Font_Library) and also a way to auto-generate greeting cards (http://openclipart.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Greeting_Cards). Please add your comments to the aforementioned wiki pages and help us realize these ideas in the coming year!
If you are interested in this project, please join our mailing list (http://freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/clipart), check out the roadmap (http://openclipart.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Roadmap), and continue to submit your clip art! As the new year starts we are hoping to attract new developers and artists to work on the project. Happy New Year!
Visit the Library at http://www.openclipart.org/