On 27/08/06, Redefined Horizons <redefined.horizons@...400...> wrote:
That really got my wheels turning. I am considering the possibility of using Inkscape and perhaps Scribus as the main cartographic map production tools for our program. If this works out, I'd like to begin contributing to Inkscape as a developer.
There's nobody who can say "No". All you have to do is participate.
My primary areas of interest are object snapping and precision drafting/drawing tools. I'd also be interested in some advanced labeling tools, DXF import/export, layer management, and sheet layout for printing/plotting.
Is anyone else working on the areas I mentioned? (I took a look at the roadmap on the Inkscape site, but didn't see any of these things mentioned.)
The road map is always a bit out of date. The layer management has been improved recently, and even if you think that it needs more work (or indeed a complete re-design), you might want to leave this until there has been more feedback. The object snapping seems to be too complicated to me, but I guess that someone must like it (otherwise it wouldn't have been written like that). I would guess that the other things that you mention are always going to be in need of enhancement!
If you would be willing to put up with my questions, I'd be willing to help implement some of these features. :] I must warn you ahead of time, I do have a good knowledge of programming and XML, and even own a couple of textbooks on SVG, but I am a C++ rookie.
That is fine, we can teach you C++; but your enthusiam for getting your functionality into Inkscape cannot be engendered.
Although we are getting some fairly advanced C++ code being committed just at the moment, most of the code is fairly easy to understand, though there is rather a lot of it. From a practical point of view, the biggest hurdle is getting all the libraries and dependencies together, which is bit awkward, though easier on linux than on any other platform, I would guess.
At any rate, I look forward to hearing from you guys about this, and hope I'll have the chance to improve a great open source tool I've been using for a long time.
There is a Bug or RFE open for an 'Involute Gear Tool' and if I ever get any copious spare time, I would like to do this - my first thought would be to implement the geometry in Javascript and have the renderer replace the script element with the result of running the script (not sure if the SVG spec allows this)' as a stand in, I would encourage you to make a start on any part of your project and see where it leads.