Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
I spent some time to find out what would SVG gradients future would look like since users would appreciate more gradients options than just linear and radial. We have multiply RFEs that are related to this issue.
According to http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG2Reqs/ "SVG may include more types of gradient elements. Potential gradient elements include conical, rectangular, Gouraud shading, triangle mesh, Coons patch and shaped fill (with gradient offsets determined by the distance from the edge of the shape). [SVG 2.0]"
So, more gradient options is currently considered for SVG 2.0.
Currently even 1.2 is not ready, which means we might have more gradient options only in 3-4 years. I'm curious if we can live with it next 3-4 years or if we could somehow let SVG developers know we need it in SVG 1.2.
What do you think?
If I am not mistaken, the spec for 1.2 is now closed for adding anything new. I am totally with you though in terms of I need more gradients as well (Mmmmm meshes... *drool*). They do tend to be open to 'outsiders' making suggestions, so if you wanted to write them, feel free. As I said, I may be mistaken about them accepting anything new, and the SVG section of the w3's site does vaguely still say under development. ;) So yeah, I'd be with you on it.