On Sat, 24 Jun 2006 15:31:07 +0200, Jean-François Lemaire wrote:
On Saturday 24 June 2006 13:47, Thomas Leonard wrote:
I've added the RPM for 0.44 to the Zero Install interface file. I've put up a copy here:
Run this way, the RPM works on Debian/unstable, Debian/testing and Ubuntu/5.10 (if you have libglitz, libstdc++6, libgtkspell0, libgnomevfs2-0 and libxslt1.1 installed). It does not work on Debian/sarge (due to a (bogus?) dependency on pangocairo).
Yep, still haven't figured out how to work around this. Neither static compiling, nor appbuild nor building against GTK+ 2.4 (which doesn't require pangocairo) work for me. As soon as I fix this, I'll upload 0.44-1 on SF.
I've been trying to compile against 2.4 as well. It doesn't work, because Inkscape uses some functions that only appeared in 2.6. I've submitted a bug report and patch here:
Once that was done, I was able to compile it in a GTK 2.4 environment. I guess no-one else tried compiling with 2.4 before the release.
Note to devs: It's quite easy to do now, as I've added the gtkmm and glibmm 2.4 headers to the 0install GTK-2.4 environment. Run it like this:
$ 0launch http://0install.net/2006/interfaces/GTK-2.4.xml Giving you a new shell... compile your program in this environment. pkg-config reports GTK version is now 2.4.14 gtk2.4 $
Then build the RPM (or ./configure; make) in that environment, which has PKG_CONFIG_PATH pointing to an old -dev environment, which it downloads for you and places in the cache (it won't affect your normal build environment).
(0launch is available from http://0install.net/injector.html)