Actually, all of the menu items are set up to look up the translation, I just haven't figured out how to get the entires into the .po files for the translators. "Grid" must be translated for something else in Inkscape, thus the translation gets picked up for the effect also. Theoretically, one could put all the Effect names in the .po files by hand and it would work, but we really need to figure out how to automate getting the entires out.[1]
1 -- This really has to be the first step, eventually we need to be able to store translations in the .inx files themselves as they might come from other sources than the Inkscape codebase. But I have no idea how to do that at all...
Hi Ted and all,
as a translator, let me comment on this : * I'd prefer not to split translation of extensions and core Inkscape string : - managing one file is easier than lots of them (and I hope the number of extensions will increase) - a lot of vocabulary is shared between core Inkscape and extensions * However, for some very short, or ambiguous strings, extensions developper should add a context prefix to the strings (it's what it's done for)
BTW : extensions are great and fun ! Thanks to Aaron, you and some others for this.