On 9/16/05, mental@...3... <mental@...3...> wrote:
Quoting bulia byak <buliabyak@...400...>:
The only advantage of your method is that it always gives a _guaranteed_ inclusion (i.e. upper limit for the bbox), but I don't think we're interested in that.
This would be specifically for computing update regions -- there, we certainly are.
Ah, that makes sense then. But anyway, we also need the correct bboxes calculation for presenting to the user and for most other purposes.
And by the way, your method will still need to be tweaked to account for markers and for gaussian blur (when we have it).
My own feeling is that bounding boxes for other purposes -- for example tile layout -- shouldn't include the stroke width at all. But I wouldn't insist on it.
No, that's the way it was in Sodipodi and early Inkscape versions, and we got many bug reports on that, until Fred coded the simplistic "add the stroke width" thing we still use today.