Happy new year to you too.
2011/1/8 Teto <teto45@...2519...>:
- 3 buttons (under cursors blur and opacity): 'add' to add the color
shown above (for stroke or fill, the one which is active) in the dynamic palette ; 'copy' to copy the color shown above in a special clipboard ; 'paste' to paste the color in the clipboard to the active color.
You can add colors and edit them to the Auto palette, which is a special kind. Those colors are stored there and you can use them in several objects. Whenever you edit the color in the Auto palette, every object using it will update automatically. Maybe that palette will help you...
And about copy/paste of colors you can use "Edit->Paste style" (which pastes fill, stroke, opacity and filters) or just copy the hexadecimal code you see above the blur slider on the Fill&Stroke dialog and paste it on another object (select the other object and paste the code on the same textbox).