I'd like to make a couple of requests for features (or perhaps explanations/pointers to why they can't be included).
1) It would be really cool to have a proper directory selection (or popup directory chooser) as an option on the inkex dialog. This way the user doesn't have to memorise their favourite directories etc., they can browse to them, or use favourites, etc.
2) Someone on #inkscape mentioned that the filename/directory information was excluded from the SVG for security reasons, but this class of information is still freely included in the form of export hints. It's inconsistent for one, and inconvenient for another. I've just been developing an extension where it would have been much nicer to export the necessary files to the same directory by default. A possible workaround if 1) is ever implemented, would be to optionally default the directory chooser to the drawing's working directory, thereby bypassing the security problem.
3) Possibly related to 2. Whenever I export a document from inkscape, then move the file (I have a bunch of folders/hierarchies and the files move depending on various states), if I then need to export again, I have to tell it where to export to, and it's a bit of a pain, it would be nice for an option to always export to the working directory.
Thanks, Craig