On Thu, Jan 25, 2007 at 11:34:12AM -0800, MenTaLguY wrote:
On Thu, 25 Jan 2007 13:10:01 -0600, Aaron and Sarah Spike <spike@...749...> wrote:
The ability to draw those outlines will also be useful for blurred objects and objects that have live path effects applied. :-)
One thing we will need to be aware of, though, is that the render-only-the-displayed-portion-of-the-path optimizations apply only to NRArenaShape, not SPCanvasBPath (which is currently what we have to use for "annotations" like nodes and these hypothetical outlines). Kind of a shame since the two classes do essentially the same thing, and one of the reasons I think the canvas code needs to have the two layers unified somehow.
Mental, would you mind explaining in detail how Inkscape handles this rendering? This has always been a foggy area for me, and even digging through the codebase it's not clear. However, I think it is key both for performance optimization and cairo adoption reasons that we all at least roughly understand the design of this aspect of Inkscape.